Abstract or Plain Backgrounds? Which is Better for Your Vehicle Wrap?
Creating the perfect commercial vehicle wrap in Kansas City isn’t an easy task. Not only do you have to figure out what crucial information to include, but you also have to decide what the best way to display that information is. For most businesses, this means selecting a plain background that incorporates the company colors in a fun, meaningful fashion.
There are several exciting ways to produce quality backgrounds. Some people find success incorporating multiple colors and creating an abstract, busy pattern. Others feel a more straightforward approach shows that their company means business. Use this quick comparison guide to help you decide which is best for your business.
Abstract Vs. Solid
The biggest factor in deciding between the two styles should be the company itself. If the business is going for a clean and polished look, having several different clashing colors doesn’t make sense. It also wouldn’t make sense to use a tye dye or similarly busy pattern. Instead, simple colors in a solid or block fashion would be used as it conveys a sense of organization.
Think about how you want people to see your company. Compare the backgrounds of similar companies to get a great idea of what works and what doesn’t. If you are still confused or torn between multiple looks, talk to a graphic designer to complete your wrap.
Is Abstract Distracting?
Abstract designs, when done right, blend seamlessly into the logo. On vehicle wraps, abstract designs tend to be more simplistic, using three or four shades to form a design. This captures the attention of others without making them want to stop and stare.
Will Plain Colors Stand Out?
A solid background will stand out from your logo, but only if you select the right color. Use the color wheel to identify which colors go best with the dominating color on your logo. This can help you decide which color combination best suits your business and is readable.
Custom Background Help
The background of a full vehicle wrap can be confusing. At KC Tint Works, we work hard to create wraps that make businesses truly stand out. Contact us for more information.