Should You Get a Paint Job or a Vehicle Wrap?
Trying to decide between getting a paint job and a full vehicle wrap in Kansas City can be hard. Most people initially want to lean towards getting the paint job, but then they see just how many options are available when you go with a vinyl wrap. Whether you are transforming your personal vehicle or creating a company car, read this quick comparison guide before making a decision.
Precise New Looks
One of the biggest benefits of getting a vehicle wrap is the flexibility regarding design. A vinyl wrap uses very vibrant colors, each one printed in precisely the right place. This gives you complete control over the look of the car. Because the wrap is printed, you can select as many colors as you like without straying too far away from your original budget.
Single Color Paints
If you want to make your vehicle a single color and aren’t interested in anything extra, a simple paint job may do the trick. While you get more control with a vehicle wrap, painting a solid color is a very quick and easy process.
Most people getting work done on a personal vehicle will choose a paint job over a vehicle wrap. This isn’t because the paint is necessarily better; it is because it is often faster and looks very natural.
Let a Graphic Designer Decide
If you aren’t sure if you can get a specific look, try talking to a graphic designer. They can help make your vision a reality. Not only can they provide creative direction, they likely know the limitations of both painting and wrapping.
Change the Look of Your Vehicle
If you want to transform your car’s exterior, KC Tint Works is here to help. Our dedicated team of graphic designers and car enthusiasts can help you get the exact look you want. Contact us for more details.